Sunday, September 7, 2014



Dear Friends,
How ya' doing?

So school started here in NY on Thursday which is a blessing and a curse. One of my most dreaded classes is Spanish 2 and the teacher basically did intros for the first two days.
She gave us an aaaignment where we had to write paragraph on our definition of respect (my paragraph was bomb but i didn't share out cause lazy probs).
One student mentioned how you can't respect other without respecting yourself and the rest of the class went on with the teacher going onto a tangent that I completely disagree with.

She basically said that as young females (and young men) we can't go around demanding respect if we're showing immense amounts or in fact any amount of skin. Now this teacher in particular I can already has an old school vibe because she is hardcore pro-uniform. She mentioned how she has an issue with girls walking around in crop tops and tank tops and short shorts in school. While I do agree that there is a time and a place for everything I did not agree.

Let me explain.

For my size I happen to have a decent set of boobs and I happen to be most comfortable in tank tops. And there have been days when I've shown just a bit too much cleavage and my guy friends have told me but I would respond with "Is it making you uncomfortable?" Because honestly whether you be a guy or a girl, if you're uncomfortable by a bit of boob we may have an issue.

This doesn't mean that I go around only showing off my chest but it means that I wear what i'm comfortable in and it doesn't mean that I don't respect myself.

I feel like personally me respecting myself means that I can wear tank tops in this century knowing that I don't deserve to be shamed into dressing like a nun because I am a girl. And that goes for everyone. Just because you're a girl (or a guy) doesn't mean that you can never feel comfortable in your own skin because of the opinions of others.

You have a right to wear whatever whenever you want.

Now I could have came out of my face that day and told this teacher that she was wrong and should rethink her life's choices but I have respect for her as an authorative figure.

That is what I defined respect as. Being able to seperate your personal opinions from the way you feel towarsd the people around you. Cause to be honest I see people everyday that I just don't have a care for but I respect them because they respct themselves and they know how to carry themselves in public.

And I know that this whole post is like type controversial being with feminist rights and all of the leaked nudes on the internet and stuff but it is something that I feel needs to be addressed.

Overall, you can can completely disagree with me on this topic and I would love to hear your opinions (I'm on the Debate team so it's important that I hear both sides of the story) but what I hope that you get from this overly long rant is that you don't have to dress to make others comfortable. Put yourself first. If you want to get naked, then by all means get naked.

You may face some issues with laws about nudity depending on where you live but by all means go with it.

And if anyone says that you don't respect yourself because you're showing the goods tell them " Heck yeah I'll show the goods. I love myself and I got a nice rack so suck it." Then you move on and be the respectful little nugget that you are.

(BTW I refuse to edit this cause reading it over would make you hecka mad)

Spread the Good Vibes

                                                          Atira xx