Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Dear Friends,
How ya' doing? I know, i know, it's been AGES since I've last spoken to you. I'm so so sorry.

Busy I swear. A lot of changes are happening in my life recently and I just haven't found the time sit down an write.

Honestly, everytime I did try I would delete the post because it just didn't seem right. I put so much sweat and tears (no blood, sorry) into creating this beautiful place and then I just hated it.

My personality changed and I never realized that with that, the way my blog reflected me had to change as well. I needed it to be ME and it just wasn't. I was just very unhappy with it.

For one it was yellow, with polka dots! Now as cute as that may seem I am not cute person, I like my things simple and beautiful. So the blog is now gray. Do you like it? I think it fits a lot better and I couldn't be happier.

Hopefully now I can feel more inspired to write to you all.

That would be all for today.

Catch ya' on the flip side.
Spread the Good Vibes.
Sincerely, Atira
P.S. Happy New Year!! :)